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Tree Tree Everywhere a Tree

There is a chance that you never herd about the time we went and stole some trees. Stole might be a slight exaggeration but as a kid it kinda adds to the adventure when you feel like you are some kinda swashbuckling tree thief. Pretty sure it was a Saturday morning when my cartoon watching was interrupted and I was strongly encouraged and not dragged into the camo painted cj7 with buckets and shovels in the back. Ten minutes later, and a white knuckle grip on the roll bar we were headed DOWN into the Wichita Falls, Texas hills. If you have never been in a jeep with no doors and a 45 degree angle then you should try it to fully appreciate the death grip. So there we were, Ronnie and I, hunting trees. Easy! Right? Nope. Cant be any ole tree. We were looking for a Red Oak, approximately 5-7 ft tall with good branching structure. 2 hours later we emerged from the woods with 3 perfect trees. We made it back to the house safe and sound, and the trees got planted into pots and were allowed to heal for a year or two. The trees ended up getting planted on the ole home site near arrowhead, but that is another story that involves rattle snakes, black widows, and a wheel barrow.

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